Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Books II

5. Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
So I'm a little behind in reading this book, which has been out for what seems like ages. I'd heard of it, but didn't get interested until I started seeing previews for the movie this fall. Generally I like to set myself up for disappointment by reading the book before viewing the film adaptation, so that's what I did. Unfortunately, by the time I bought the book and got around to reading it, the film was out of most theaters, and it didn't really get any rave reviews or anything.
I thought the book was fine, and it actually kept me up reading far past my usual bedtime the other night. I really can't speak to its historical accuracy or anything, but Golden did manage to create an interesting world that was fascinating and foreign. The plot is basically a sort of Cinderella story, and while I did manage to see most of the plot twists coming, I still liked it. I'm a sucker for a good romance, and while this one takes its time getting there, it really is a nice love story, in its way. Sayuri was interesting, but I really found myself more intrigued by some of the supporting characters, particularly the other geisha, Mameha and Hatsumomo. Sayuri was a little too perfect and popular in some parts. Not really a Mary Sue or anything, but just so pretty and so talented and so hardworking. It was hard to sympathize with her, or even feel much of anything for her. I found Mameha a much more affecting character. Still. A fine book.

As my next project, and continuing the novel and adaptation theme here, I'm tackling Wicked. Stay tuned.

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