Sunday, January 08, 2006

Friday, from the weekend

** So I meant to post this on Friday when I wrote it. Oh well. Still holds true, and I can't say that the weekend ended in more excitement than it began.

This blog thing isn't really working, is it? I decided to start this thing because I have this crazy fantasy where I become a writer. And I have plenty of ideas for plots and characters. But they just never seem to make it onto the page, or the screen, as it may be. So I thought that maybe a blog would be a good way to get writing practice, except that in order for that to actually work, I'd have to write things now and then. And as you (if indeed there are any yous out there) may have noticed, it hasn't been happening much, or on a consistent basis.
But I do want to write, and I do have good ideas, so I do need to do this. Maybe the problem is what I've been trying to write. I was aiming for pity comments on life and pop culture, or maybe insightful political essays. I don't think I've really succeeded. So maybe it's time to try a new tack.
The daily journal.
Maybe I should just talk about what happens each day. Not work stuff, though. I don't want to get fired. But there isn't much that happens to me that isn't work-related these days.
But still, I must be doing something with my time, right?
Today work went on forever. I think the clock was actually moving backwards at one point. Part of the problem was that I didn't get my coffee this morning. Ever since I started really working, I've become a coffee addict. First it was a latte here and there, then I graduated to regular coffee (one cream, one sugar). Now the first thing I do when I walk in the door each day is turn on my computer and head for the coffee maker.
But today I had to run some work-related errands first thing, and so I didn't get my customary cuppa. I had some cocoa at lunch, but by one I had this monster headache. I blamed my period, the poor air circulation in the office, my nerves over a work thing I won't go into here, and a few other things. It felt like my brain was running out of my ears.
I went out later in the afternoon, hoping some fresh air would clear my head. It helped, but what really worked was my vanilla latte. Within minutes of drinking it I felt fine again. Which is good, except it made me realize --
I have a problem. A caffeine problem. Boy, even my vices are boring.
So feeling better, I headed out for happy hour with some friends. The local bar (within walking distance of my house, yay!) was packed, so we had to eat the first round of wings standing up. Let me tell you, it isn't easy. I'm messy at the best of times, and wing sauce is generally just an accident waiting to happen. Miraculously, I got out of it with no visible damage to the front of my shirt.
The conversation was nice too. I've had a hard time making friends since I got here, and it's always been difficult for me to talk to people I don't know, so I'm glad that I got to talk to someone I don't know that well. It's kind of fun to find out what your coworkers are really like when they're not in the office.
So the first work week of 2006 ended on a pleasant note at least. I can't say I was too productive, but I did take care of a few things on my to-do list. But I added a few things too, so I'm really just exactly back where I started I guess.

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